TEI META Task Force: Meeting Notes 22 Mar 2004 [MEM03]
- SB Syd Bauman
- LB Lou Burnard
- AB Alejandro Bia
- SR Sebastian Rahtz
- LR Laurent Romary
- CW Christian Wittern
All times are UTC unless otherwise noted.
- ODD Language
- Renames
- xmleg
- atts of tagDesc
- Overrides
- On Naming
- Reference List
- Odds & Ends
- Internationalization
Meeting took place at the AFNOR offices in Paris, France. The workgroup would like to extend its thanks to both AFNOR for hosting the meeting, and to Laurent Romary for making the arrangements for them to do so.
Commenced ~13:17 on Mon; @ ~08:15 on Tue.
ODD Language
Meeting opened with a presentation by LB on the current status of the TD chapter. During the presentation several issues came up and were either discussed briefly, tabled for later conversation, or discussed after the presentation.
- <chunk> to <specGrp> (specification group)
- <tagDoc> to <elementSpec>
- <classDoc> to <classSpec>
- <patternDoc> to <macroSpec>
- <schemaContent> to <content>
- <ident> to ident
There was a brief discussion, without resolution, about whether or not the contents of <xmleg> were limited to the TEI example namespace (i.e., http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples/, in which case it should be <teiEg> instead) or not.
atts of <tagDesc>
- * all attributes particular to this element (i.e., not the inherited attributes)
- ** all attributes, including inherited ones
- (i.e., null value) no attributes
- A B attributes A and B (whether inherited or not)
The issue of user overrides was discussed at length.
Long discussion about whether or not an override should need to specify the module in which the element being overridden was declared.
LR argues that the user-level override mechanism should be parallel or equivalent to the module creation mechanism. I believe all were swayed in principle by his argument. There was some skepticism about its practicality.
The initial question was whether <moduleRef> overrides should be via content of <moduleRef> , pointing to a <specGrp> , a separate element, or what.
We easily decided that if we were to keep the current ‘attribute of <moduleRef> points to a <specGrp> of overrides’ that the attribute should be named overriddenBy (as opposed to override).
However, after significant discussion we concluded that user overrides should be specified essentially the same way any other specification is made, except that an attribute (mode) indicates whether the current specification is to be added to or removed from the module currently being defined, or to replace or modify the current definitions therein.
This new mode attribute will be available on all the elements used to define elements & attributes. A complete list was never explicitly spelled out at the meeting, but we operated on the presumption the list included <elementSpec> , <classSpec> , <macroSpec> , <content> , <refList> , <attList> , <attDef> , <valList> , <valItem> , <exemplumList> , and <classes> ; also <gloss> , <desc> , and <remarks> , when they occur as children of <attDef> , <elementSpec> , <macroSpec> , or <classSpec> . Although it was never explicitly mentioned at the meeting, obviously these need to be put into a new attribute class for the purpose.
We agreed that mode affects only ‘identifiable’ elements, which we defined as those that bear an ident attribute or those that are single children (i.e., not allowed to repeat, and thus it could be unambiguously determined which one was the intended target) of one that does bear an ident attribute.
- add (default) The entire specification is part of the meaning of the module being defined (whether being defined initially or later by import). It is an error if there already is a specification of the same type of item (e.g. class, element, attribute of a given element, attribute value of a given attribute) with the same identifier.
- delete The specification which bears this attribute should be removed from its parent, as it were. I.e., <valItem> s would be deleted from their <valList> s, <attDef> s from their <attList> , etc. It is an error if there is no specification of the same type of item (e.g. class, element, attribute of a given element, attribute value of a given attribute) with the same identifier. It is also an error if the element specifying deletion has children. 2
- replace The specification replaces the one with the same identifier. Semantically similar to a delete then an add. It is an error if there is no specification of the same type of item (e.g. class, element, attribute of a given element, attribute value of a given attribute) with the same identifier.
- change The children of the specification are added to (or replace if already present) the corresponding children of the definition being changed. Other aspects of the existing definition are left alone. It is an error if there is no specification of the same type of item (e.g. class, element, attribute of a given element, attribute value of a given attribute) with the same identifier.
- add (default) Create me if I do not exist (and this implies processing my new children in add mode). Raise an error if I do exist and am identifiable.
- delete Don't process me or my children (any new children supplied are erroneous).
- replace Leave me alone; process my new children in replace mode; don't process my old children.
- change Leave me alone and process my old and new children in change mode.
On Naming
What used to be <ident> and is now ident is part of the TEI abstract model, not the implementation language, or an instantiation in a given language. Note that we explicitly consider an ident to be a particular kind of name (semantically, one that uniquely identifies a structure in the TEI abstract model; syntactically one that is NAME ala XML) or <name> (which, in turn, is a particular kind of <rs> ).
LR discussed the differences among classifying (‘Zooloo’), coding (‘ZL’), and naming (‘Zulu’ in EN). This had significant implications during our discussion on internationalization.
Reference List
A suggestion was made to drop <ptr> from content of <elementSpec> and generate complete list of all <tagDesc> s that point to this element.
By meetings' end, after significant discussion, we concluded that the <ptr> (or <xptr> , but remember, that is an element likely to disappear) elements should stay, but should be grouped in a <refList> .
Odds & Ends
LR noted that <desc> cannot be treated independently of <equiv> .
We briefly discussed the notion of reversing the direction of module containment declaration. I.e., the idea that each element declares what class(es) it is in, why not have the elements declare what module it is in, too?
It was reported that during a pre-meeting conversation it was decided that the ODD syntax should allow for alternation of attributes within an ATTLIST. (I.e., when schema language permits the constraint, being able to say ‘either this attribute or that attribute, but not both’.) There was implicit consensus on this issue. LB reported that it had already been implemented.
There is an open question of whether type of <classSpec> is required.
- use <macroSpec>
- define a new <datatypeSpec>
- express everything as per schema language
AB presented some of the issues.
Question of whether or not AB's language identification for instances question is the same as an instance identifying its schema.
We agreed that renaming is not the same as equivalency, and that each <*Spec> should have zero or one <xmlName> elements (we did not use normal <name> elements because the content is far more constrained), which the customization files could of course change.
It was noted that Roma could (easily) produce a stylesheet that could be used to change a document instance that was encoded in, say, Spanish to the canonical form.
- XSLT code
- XPath expressions
- schema fragments
- just a name to correlate to another <equiv> which is inside the corresponding declaration. 4
Appendix A:
Broke Mon at ~16:43; Wrapped up Tue at ~14:50.
Appendix B:
My notes have the sentence ‘Distinguish the import schema mechanism and the reference some documentation mechanism.’ Anyone know what this means?