The P4 DTD

From the download page you can get all the files which make up the P4 version of the TEI DTD. For information about how these DTD fragments should be used and how these files interact, you need to read the Guidelines themselves. For a brief overview of the files in the DTD, please see Chapter 36 of the TEI Guidelines, from which the table below is reproduced.

The TEI DTD files can be customized in many different ways, to make large or small DTDs according to need. Full reference information on how to perform such customization (using TEI Lite as an example) is provided in Chapter 29 of the Guidelines.

The TEI DTD files

The following table gives for each of the files making up the P4 release:
  1. the filename used in the release directory;
  2. the type of declarations contained in the module;
  3. the full name of the module, for use in constructing its Formal Public Identifer (FPI)
  4. a link to the chapter or section in which it is defined
To make up the Formal Public Identifier, the full name of the module should be prefixed by the string -//TEI P4// and the type of declarations contained, and suffixed by the string //EN. Thus the FPI for the first file listed below should be -//TEI P4//ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Simple Analysis//EN. Each section of the table corresponds with a single TEI module or ‘tag set’ i.e. a group of related DTD fragments. Tag sets are listed in alphabetical order.
Additional tag set for simple analysis: enabled by TEI.analysis
teiana2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Simple Analysis Chapter 15
teiana2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Simple Analysis Chapter 15
Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
teiback2.dtd ELEMENTS Back Matter Section 7.6
teiclas2.ent ENTITIES TEI ElementClasses Section 3.7
teicore2.dtd ELEMENTS Core Elements Chapter 6
teifron2.dtd ELEMENTS Front Matter Section 7.4
teihdr2.dtd ELEMENTS TEI Header Chapter 5
teistr2.dtd ELEMENTS Default Text Structure Chapter 7
Additional tag set for certainty: enabled by TEI.certainty
teicert2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Certainty and Responsibility Chapter 17
Additional tag set for language corpora: enabled by TEI.corpus
teicorp2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Language Corpora Chapter 23
Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
teidict2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Print Dictionaries Chapter 12
teidict2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Print Dictionaries Chapter 12
Base tag set for performance texts: enabled by TEI.drama
teidram2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Drama 2001-12 Chapter 10
teidram2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Drama Chapter 10
Additional tag set for figures, tables and formulae: enabled by TEI.figures
teifig2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Tables, Formulae, and Graphics Chapter 22
teifig2.ent ENTITIES Formulae Notations and Contents Chapter 22
Auxiliary DTD for Feature System Declarations
teifsd2.dtd DTD Auxiliary Document Type: Feature System Declaration Chapter 26
Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
teifs2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Feature Structure Annotation Chapter 16
General Base tag set, for use with one or more other base tag sets: enabled by TEI.general
teigen2.dtd ELEMENTS General Base Element Set Section 3.4
The TEI main DTD
tei2.dtd DTD Main DTD Driver File Chapter 3
teigis2.ent ENTITIES Generic Identifiers Section 3.8
teikey2.ent ENTITIES TEI Keywords Section 3.8
Additional tag set for Linking and Segmentation: enabled by TEI.linking
teilink2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment Chapter 14
teilink2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment Chapter 14
Mixed base tag set, for use with one or more other base tag sets: enabled by TEI.mixed
teimix2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Mixed Text Types Section 3.4
Additional tag set for Names and Dates: enabled by TEI.names.dates
teind2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Names and Dates Chapter 20
teind2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Names and Dates Chapter 20
Additional tag set for Graph Theory: enabled by TEI.nets
teinet2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Graphs, Networks, and Trees Chapter 21
Base tag set for Prose: enabled by TEI.prose
teipros2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Prose Chapter 8
Auxiliary DTD for Independent Headers
teishd2.dtd DTD Auxiliary Document Type: Independent TEI Header Chapter 24
Base tag set for Transcribed Speech: enabled by TEI.spoken
teispok2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Transcriptions of Speech Chapter 11
teispok2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Transcriptions of Speech Chapter 11
Additional tag set for Textual Criticism: enabled by TEI.textcrit
teitc2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Text-Critical Apparatus Chapter 19
teitc2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Critical Apparatus Chapter 19
Base tag sets for Terminological Data: enabled by TEI.terminology
teiterm2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Terminological Data Chapter 13
teiterm2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Terminological Data Chapter 13
teite2f.dtd ELEMENTS Terminological Databases (Flat) Chapter 13
teite2n.dtd ELEMENTS Terminological Databases (Nested) Chapter 13
Additional tag set for Physical Transcription: enabled by TEI.transcr
teitran2.dtd ELEMENTS Additional Element Set for Transcription of Primary Sources Chapter 18
teitran2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Transcription of Primary Sources Chapter 18
Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
teitsd2.dtd DTD Auxiliary Document Type: Tag Set Documentation Chapter 27
Base tag set for Verse: enabled by TEI.verse
teivers2.dtd ELEMENTS Base Element Set for Verse Chapter 9
teivers2.ent ENTITIES Element Classes for Verse Chapter 9
Auxiliary tag set for Writing System Declarations
teiwsd2.dtd DTD Auxiliary Document Type: Writing System Declaration Chapter 25
Auxiliary tag set for concurrent markup of pages and lines
teipl2.dtd DTD Concurrent Document Type: Pages and Lines Chapter 31

Two catalog files are provided with the TEI DTD fragments, one (catalog.local) in SGML Open format; the other (catalog.xml) in XML Catalog format: either file may be used to specify the location of copies of the TEI DTD fragments stored locally, as further discussed in Section 2.10.4.