The first men to discover the New World or Western Hemisphere are believed to have walked across a land bridge from Siberia to Alas- ka, an isthmus since broken by the Bering Strait. From Alaska, these ancestors of the Indians spread through North, Central, and South America. Anthropologists have placed crossings at between 18,000 and 14,000 B.C.; but evidence found in 1967 near Puebla, Mexico, indicates mankind reached there as early as 35,000-40,000 years ago.
At first, these people were hunters using flint weapons and tools.
Mexico, about 7000-6000 B.C., they founded farming cultures, devel-
corn, squash, etc.
antiquity&NS5;,&KU; has&V3SRDE4; endeavoured&VAC5;
to&S; place&VI5; the&A;
female&J; mind&NS5; in&P; the&A; subordinate&J; ranks&NP5;
intellectual&J; sociability&NS5;.&KU;
been&VAC4; considered&VAC5; as&P; a&AS; lovely&J; and&C;
part&NS5; of&P; the&A; creation&NS5;,&KU; but&C; her&R3SF4;
claims&NP5; to&P;
mental&J; equality&N; have&V3PRDE4; not&D; only&D; been&VAC4; ques-
tioned&VAC5;,&KU; by&P; envious&J; and&C; interested&J; scep-
tics&NP5;;&KU; but&C;,&KU; by&P; a&AS; barabarous&J; poli-
in&P; the&A;
other&J; sex&NS5;,&KU; considerably&D;depressed&J;,&KU; for&P;
want&NS5; of&P; liberal&J; and&C; classical&J;
I&R1SN5; will&VUDE4; not&D; expatiate&VI5; largely&D;
on&P; the&A; doc-
trines&NP5; of&P; certain&J; philosophical&J; sensual-
who&R3N5; have&V3PDE4; aided&VAC5; in&P; this&AS;
destructive&A; op-
pression&NS5;,&KU; because&S; an&AS; illustrious&J; British&JU;
female&NS5;,&KU; (&KO;whose&R34; death&NS5; has&V3SDE4;
not&D; been&VAC4; suf-
ficiently&D; lamented&VAC5;,&KU; but&C; to&P; whose&R34;
posterity&NS5; will&VUDE4; render&VI5; justice&NS5;)&KC;
has&V3SRDE4; already&D;
written&VAC5; volumes&NP5; in&P; vindication&NS5; of&P;
Rights&NP5; of&P; Woman&NS5;.&KU;
the&A; same&J; school&NS5;,&KU;
disdains&V3SRDE5; the&A; drudgery&NS5; of&P; servile&J; imi-
tation&NS5;.&KU; The&A; same&J; subject&NS5;
may&VRDE4; be&VI4; argued&VAC5; in&P; a&AS; variety&NS5;
of&P; ways&NP5;;&KU; and&C;
though&S; this&AS; letter&NS5; may&VRDE4; not&D; display&VI5; the&A;
philosophical&J; reasoning&NS5; with&P; which&R3T5;
For&T; it&R3ST5; requires&V3SRDE5; a&AS;