General Linguistics Work Group
Objectives and Deadlines
9 November 1990
Table of Contents
- Reformulate this list of objectives.
- Prepare examples, several of which should be derived from
published linguistic analyses, tagged according to the proposals
of TEI P1. Report on the relative strengths and weakness of the
various notations proposed.
- Evaluate the usability of the various notations with respect
to the work of non-theoretical linguists. The needs of the
following communities should be considered:
- corpus linguists analyzing whole corpora,
- stylo-statisticians lemmatizing all the words of a text
- philologists recording an analysis of a given passage.
- translators providing word level glosses
- Propose work groups, specifying their work plans and
approximate time table, to improve and extend upon the basis
laid in TEI P1 for linguistic work. Example topics for such work
groups include:
- Development of a unified set of tags for part-of-speech
analysis in Western-European (or: Indo-European) languages,
including their older forms.
- Development of special purpose notations for particular
schools of linguistic analysis (e.g. categorial grammars,
functional grammars, systemic grammars).
- Applicability of the basic mechanisms of TEI P1 to
non-Indo-European languages.
- Development (possibly in co-operation with the WG on spoken
texts) of special purpose tags for phonological and phonetic
- Respond to comments on the relevant portions of TEI P1
routed to this work group by the editors.
Work group reports to Committee for Text Analysis and Interpretation.
Head of the work group is Terry Langendoen.
Four members of the work group are to be named by the work group head;
at least one should be a European.
Funding is authorized for one meeting.
To be agreed with WG head.
Reformulation of objectives (AI1 P1) due n/n/n.
Examples of TEI P1 tagging (AI1 W2) due n/n/n.
Evaluation of TEI P1 tagging (AI1 W3) due n/n/n.
Proposal for further work groups (AI1 W4) due n/n/n.
Paper on part of speech tags for Europe or IE languages (AI1 W5)
due n/n/n.
Proposals for specialized notations (AI1 W5) due n/n/n.